Don’t wonder about why i cant follow the world principles, seperated from your family, lost your favorite person ❌ when God chosen you among people. Its written in Leviticus 20:24 “I am the Lord your God, who has seperated you from the peoples.” Its always good, if God seperates you from your favorite choices. He is holding your hands in the period of seperation. In Genesis 12:1, God said to Abraham, to get out of his country, leave his family and his father’s house and He direct Abraham to a land that God shows him for a greater purpose.
Being seperated, leaving our favorite choices are not an easy things in our life. Here God chose the people of Isrealites among all other nation people, inorder to show His love towards them and so He seperated them by giving them the laws to practice, so that their lives will be saved and to be holy in land of Canon. Though its a hard thing for them to accept all the principles of God, which they ever had practised in their life, still God commanded this to see the people of Isrealites as an useful vessel before all. If God is calling to walk in the path of lonliness, though its hard to move ahead, simply accept it, because He specially called us to save from every evils, to love God, to practice the words of God and also to do the great things through us for His glory.